Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Reflection On Scholarship Reflection - 831 Words
Study About 2017 Scholarship Reflection As I think back to the vast number of cultural experiences I recently had the great privilege of being a part of, I feel I was able to grow not only as a person but also as a future educator. Through studying abroad in both England and France, I became very aware of how my lack of cultural experience affected me in both England and France and how my inability to speak French was a huge barrier to me while in France. Before taking this trip, I had been out of the United States two times in my life. Once, to Mexico and the second trip was to Italy. Although this did give me some cultural experience, both times I left the country was before I had turned twelve years old and my parents accompanied me†¦show more content†¦The relaxed environment, friendly locals, and easy transportation made it very easy for me to see so many different places in London. One of my favorite places that our study abroad group was able to visit was an inner-city school. After exploring the city of London, I rarely saw much diversity. For the most part, I remember seeing people who were Caucasian which led me to believe that was the race of the majority of the London locals. After visiting the school, however, I realized that I was very mistaken. As soon as we walked into the school, the first thing I noticed was the vast number of different ethnicities present. I remember only seeing one Caucasian student in the entire school. Not only was there a strong presence of multiple cultures but, all of these cultures were celebrated within the school. The day we arrived the students were having a showcase where they had made food, decorations, and wore clothes from multiple countries. I remember thinking that this type of cultural celebration would be so beneficial to help eliminate cultural biases in America. Of course, there was more to this school than just a large variety of ethnicities. Compared to schools in the United States, this English school had a large focus on the arts, there was very little behavioral issues, and there were no disability access requirements. As we moved on toShow MoreRelatedTeaching Profession1679 Words  | 7 PagesThe ABS-CBN foundation funds at least a couple of projects to help school children. 1) Bantay Bata has also opened the door for educational opportunities for kids under its Bantay Edukasyon initiative, which in the past ten years has provided scholarships for more than 1,660 children – from elementary to high school. 2) The Educational-TV (ETV) program provides adopted public elementary schools with an audio-visual educational library which helps augment the Philippine Department of Education’sRead MoreReflective Writing1241 Words  | 5 PagesHow do I . . . Write a Reflection? Why reflective writing? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Apprehensions And Anxieties Of Graduate Masters Of...
Evidence Search Our review of research on the apprehensions and anxieties of graduate Masters of Social Work students entering practice encompasses studies from 1990 through 2015. Processing the information that would be productive for valid search our research team used three search engines that produce the evidence-based material. The search engines used included: Google Scholar, Ebsco Host, and JSTOR through Arkansas State University One Search. The relevant search terms selected for this study included: stress with social work students (584hits), anxiety and MSW students (601 hits), fitness to practice, graduate education, profession (791 hits). Next we took into account the number of entries being considered; however, usually it is a small percentage of entries that are found to be relevant to the topic one is searching. Adding the search terms into various databases yielded a result of a total of 1976 articles. The first 20 results per entry were examined for relevance. Among these entries, only 10 were found relevant to the formulated question being observed. Articles that may have been prevalent yet excluded were due to no funding for the research and many of the additional articles were from other than the United States. Additionally, articles must have been written in English to be considered. Literature Review In reviewing the literature, although many studies were found that examined sources of stress and anxieties for graduating MSW students,Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesobtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. 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Strategic Management of Intro Travel Company †
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management of Intro Travel. Answer: Introduction Intro travel is one of the best travel and Tour Company in Australia offering tour and travel packages to destinations of South East Asia and Australia. The company came into existence on 2005 with the best travel guide. The packages offered by the company are best in Australia. It offers some of the most adventurous tip to new and unique places. The travelling packages offered by them are well organized to offer best service to its customers (Intro Travel, 2017). This paper focuses on the operations of the company and links it with the value chain management. Further, it will view the sustainability existing within the organization. Background Travelling is always the most preferable activities for the people staying all over the world. Many people have also adopted travelling as hobbies. The travel and tour industry is increasing day by day as the travelers are increasing their likings for adventurous tours. The industry is also experiencing a lot of change in its infrastructure because of the changing preference of the customers. Traditional booking system is being replaced by online booking. Such types of changes in the industry and customer needs have increased the rate of competition within the industry. The cost structure of the industry has also experienced a change because of incorporating new types of techniques. Thus, the companies operating the industry have to match up with the expectations of the customers in order to keep stability in their profit margin (Nadia Pujani, 2014). Intro travel offers the most appropriate choice when it comes to traveling to adventurous destinations. Intro travel has been growing its presence in Australia since it has started its business in 2005. Planning to travel abroad or to any place is not at all an easy task. It requires a lot of knowledge about travelling as well as about that place. However, Intro Travel has made the task easy for the travelers as they organize everything for the trip to allow the customers enjoy their travelling mode. This travel and tour company has always been in the good books of their customers in Australia. The reviews of Intro travel have always been good from its customers (Who we are, 2017). The service delivered by the company helps the customers to value every penny that they are paying for the trip. The charges for the trip is quiet reasonable compared to other travel and trip company. However, the company has been experiencing strong competition from its competitors like Globus, Ultimate T ravel, G Adventures and many more. All the competitors are best in their prices and quality of service. Operations Intro travel indulges itself in various kinds of operations. However, planning a fantastic and exclusive tour for the travelers is its main operation. Intro Travel has to maintain top class service in order to stay ahead of competition. Some of the common operations of Intro Travel is to plan the trip, design the package according to the number of days, allow a smooth tour selection process by the customers, hassle free check in and check out and also arranging the best lodging and food facility according to the price, they charge from the customers (Blanke Chiesa, 2013). Services are one of the most important activities offered by the company as it helps increasing their profit margin. The trips that Intro Travel offers to the customers are Ozintro, ThaIntro, Balintro, Bali and more. They also offer excellent group leaders and guides for making the trip even more exciting for the travelers. Moreover, the company takes care of everything to allow the travelers relax as much as possi ble. The company also owns some of the resorts and guesthouses in the places that they travel to save their recurring cost of lodging (Eugenio-Martin Inchausti-Sintes, 2016). They own their own private villa for guests that want to spend some private moment with their families in Bali, which is known as Gayatri Villas. However, the price charged by the company differs according to the resort. The company is passionate about offering superb travelling experiences to the people and money is not that important to them. Thus, the price charged by the company is quiet less compared to the service offered. Intro travel is available for its customers to offer 24 hours service regarding any query they have about the package, the payment mode and others (Xiang, Magnini Fesenmaier, 2015). The average length of per trip offered by the company is of seven days. Integration between Value Chain Management and operation Value chain management is organizing the activities of the company internal or external and creating a value by offering final goods to the consumers. The main objective behind carrying out value chain management in a company is to integrate cooperation between companys various operations and creating the final product that is the traveling and booking service (Mitchell, Font Li, 2015). Inbound logistic Inbound logistic is the supplies and products that enters into the company and used for producing final products. Intro Travel also has some suppliers and distributors through which the company develop its final product that is best travel service. The suppliers of Intro Travel are hotels, airlines, call centers and booking agency partners. Each of these suppliers play different role which together to form the final product (Jung, 2014). Outbound logistic Outbound logistic is yet another type of method of forming value to the company. The supplies taken by the company is put together to form the final product. Intro Travel also forms cooperation between the travel agents, hotels and airline partners to offer the best product to their customer and that is the travelling service. Marketing sales Marketing is the promotional activities taken up by the company to make their service known to the customers. Promotional activities is necessary for any company to gain market share, appropriate customer base and fight tough competition in the industry. Intro travel also faces tough competition in Australia from prestigious competitors offering similar service. Thu sit carries out marketing by forming tourism fairs, through their online website and also offering various complementariness along with the travel package (Holweg Helo, 2014). End user The last stage of value chain management is the end users, which are the main aim of the company. The end user of Intro Travel is the customers that adopt the package for traveling to various destinations offered by the company. All the companies operations is mainly done to satisfy the need of the customers and give them the best travelling experience. Intro Travel aims at meeting new people every year and makes them lifelong clients (Christopher, 2016). Sustainability within Intro Travel Sustainability is one of the most demanding topics nowadays due to the increasing globalization around the world. Every company in whatever business they operate need to maintain some amount of sustainability in its operations. Travel and Tourism Company needs to maintain balance with the environment in every activity that it does. They need to maintain the biodiversity of a place in order to offer the best value to the customers money. They also have to keep some respect for the culture and tradition of the host countries and places they are travelling. This is because the cultures of those countries are the customer-driving tool for a tourism company (Hong, 2015). The company also holds some responsibility towards its stakeholders such as the partner hotels and airlines by offering them income opportunities and helping the host countries in creating employment opportunity. The company can increase the income of the hotels and the airlines by offering them maximum customers over the years and maintain that limit as much as possible. This will also help Intro Travel to build a strong bond with its partners and they will then offer some discounts for the customers. However, to move with sustainability the company needs to involve their stakeholders help as well as the help of its own employees. This process is continuous and requires continuous efforts at various activities. A break in any kind of activity will result in losing the balance between work and sustainability (Noor Wibisono, 2016). Thus, to maintain the sustainability with the external environment the company can adopt certain steps such as: They should be clear with the aim and objectives Try to offer some of the most sustainable mode of transport to the customers and accommodation facility. Educate the customers to maintain certain good habits while visiting the host countries. Make the customers aware about their responsibilities in the host country such as ecological, social and economic. Conclusion From the above analysis about the operations and overall scenario of the Intro Travel tourism company, it can be deduced that the company has maintain best business operations. They are very passionate about what they do and the type of service they offer to the customers. Moreover, the company forms cooperation between all the activities it does and the suppliers it connects to offer the best travelling experience to the customers. Lastly, it does a lot to fight tough competition coming from other travel and tourism company of Australia. References Nadia, P. F., Pujani, V. (2014). Tour and Travel Website Beliefs in Influencing Users Satisfaction--Case Study: Malaysia.International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,5(5), 454. Hong, E. (2015). See the Third World while it lasts: The social and environmental impact of tourism with special reference to Malaysia. Noor, A., Wibisono, N. (2016). Sustainable Holiday Learning: Ethical Standard for Travel Agent. Mitchell, J., Font, X., Li, S. (2015). What is the impact of hotels on local economic development? Applying value chain analysis to individual businesses.Anatolia,26(3), 347-358. Jung, S. C. (2014). The analysis of strategic management of samsung electronics company through the generic value chain model.International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications,8(12), 133-142. Holweg, M., Helo, P. (2014). Defining value chain architectures: Linking strategic value creation to operational supply chain design.International Journal of Production Economics,147, 230-238. Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Blanke, J., Chiesa, T. (2013). The travel tourism competitiveness report 2013. InThe World Economic Forum. Xiang, Z., Magnini, V. P., Fesenmaier, D. R. (2015). Information technology and consumer behavior in travel and tourism: Insights from travel planning using the internet.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,22, 244-249. Eugenio-Martin, J. L., Inchausti-Sintes, F. (2016). Low-cost travel and tourism expenditures.Annals of Tourism Research,57, 140-159. Intro Travel. (2017).Intro Travel. Retrieved 19 August 2017, from Who we are. 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